I am an aunt again....sister-in-law gave birth to a bouncing baby boy on tuesday 28th October weighing in at 7lbs 6ozs. Mother, son and daddy doing fine. His name is Ruairidh and he is gorgeous!
It's been rather quiet on the show front recently for me. Midi has decided to change his coat completely and looks a right scruff-bag! He will be chilling out (excuse the pun!) meantime till new one arrives. Our Papillon Club had a successful seminar recently. I helped out with that which took place in the middle of my nightshift week...which seemed a good idea at the time!! Staying awake for 26hours is no longer funny. So glad to be having a break from the wet weather, dogs hate it as much as I do! But by-gum has it turned cold!! Least it's dry...for the moment. Snow is forecast. Holly hates getting her feet wet never mind anything else. It's a struggle at times to get her out the door, she loves her comfort.